Oak Class

Oak Class


We are the Reception Class at St. Mary's’.

An Introduction to Our Class:


We are a friendly Reception Class, with Miss. Zubek as class teacher and Mrs. Hands as the teaching assistant. We are both excited to be working with your children this year and together, we aim to create a positive and engaging learning environment.


P.E. session takes place every Tuesday, and all children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. kit on that day.

Forest School

The children have a Forest School session every Friday with Mrs Hinton. It is essential for the children to come to school prepared for outdoor activities. As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately, including hats, gloves, and scarves.


To support your child's reading skills, they will be bringing home a reading book that is carefully chosen based on their current phonics knowledge. As the year progresses, these books will be changed twice a week. We encourage you to spend time reading with your child and discussing the story together.

Furthermore, your child will also be given a phonics homework book. This book will help reinforce letter formation and sounds they have been learning in school.

As we approach the colder season, we kindly request that all children wear coats, hats and gloves to school.

Autumn Term 1

Over the past half-term, Oak class has explored our topic, 'Superhero Me'. The children have been looking at superheroes through engaging texts such as Supertato and Superworm. These stories have sparked their imagination, allowing them to create their own artwork.

The children have been learning many new phonics sounds and are now beginning to read and write CVC words – well done, Oak Class.

In mathematics, the children have been busy learning about matching and sorting. They have enjoyed exploring the numbers 1, 2, and 3 and discovering circles and triangles.

Oak class were fortunate enough to have a visit from a local police lady. The children were excited to meet her and had the opportunity to ask her questions about her important role in our community. This experience has broadened their understanding of different professions and the importance of keeping our community safe.

The children have had a journey through time and have had a chance to reflect on their growth and development by looking at their baby photos. The children compared their present selves to how they looked in the past.

Autumn Term 2

Our Autumn 2 topic has been 'Let's Celebrate'.
Throughout this half-term, the children have been engaged in various celebrations, beginning with Diwali and the famous story of Rama and Sita. They also enjoyed exploring the concept of birthdays and engaging in role-play activities in our very own birthday party area. In Week 5, the children looked into the celebration of Hanukkah and how families celebrate Hanukkah.
In literacy, the children have been busy creating lost posters for Leaf Man and went on an Autumnal walk, searching for signs of autumn and, of course, for Leaf Man himself.
In phonics, the children have been exploring digraphs and trigraphs. In maths, they have been focusing on representing numbers, subitising (the ability to recognise a small number of items without counting) and understanding the composition of numbers up to five.
Religious education has been a meaningful part of our learning, with the children exploring the concept of Advent and preparing for our school's Nativity play.
In addition, we took the children on a magical school trip to Santa's grotto, where they had the pleasure of meeting Santa's trusty reindeer friends and a bumpy tractor ride.

Spring Term 1

Throughout this half term, the children in Oak Class will embark on an adventure into the fascinating world of animals through our theme, 'Amazing Animals'.

One of the highlights of this term will be the arrival of some eggs, which we very much hope will hatch into little chicks. The children will document their life cycle and witness their development first-hand.

We will start our exploration by learning about nocturnal animals, focusing on the book 'Owl Babies'. In addition, the children will create owl paintings and experiment with different artistic effects. Continuing with our animal-themed journey, we will delve into the icy landscapes of Antarctica and learn about the remarkable animals in this remote region. This will allow us to explore habitats through various activities and discussions. We will also be looking at 'Handa's Surprise', where we will explore the savannah habitats of Africa and discover the animals that live there. We will also have the opportunity to explore the similarities and differences between Handa's life in Africa and our own lives here in Britain.

In communication, language, and literacy, we will focus on the character, setting and adventure time through 'Drawing Club'. This will allow children to take ownership of their drawings and writing.

In mathematics, we have two exciting areas: mass and capacity, which represent numbers 6, 7, and 8. Through hands-on activities and practical experiences, the children will develop a solid understanding.

Within R.E., Oak Class will explore the significance of Baptism and will have the chance to role-play a service of Baptism.

Outside, we are sure the children will enjoy engaging in the outdoor hot chocolate café!

Spring Term 2

In our thematic approach to learning, we will embrace nature's wonders with our theme, 'Let's Go Outside'. We will look at the book 'Oliver's Vegetables' and understand the process of growing vegetables and the requirements for their growth. We will also enjoy reading the books, 'The Tiny Seed', 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', and 'Mad About Mini Beasts'.

In maths, the children will explore the concepts of numbers 9 and 10 and venture into the world of 3D shapes.

The children in P.E. will develop techniques for moving balls, such as rolling, bouncing, throwing, and catching.

In RE, we will learn about the season of Lent, moving our learning on to learning about Holy Week.

Summer Term 1

The children will explore our fantastic topic, 'Terrific Tales', this half term.

In literacy, the children will explore traditional tales, including 'Jack and the Beanstalk', 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. They will begin by describing the giant and imagining what could be found at the top of the beanstalk. The children will also have opportunities to retell the traditional tales in their own words.

In understanding the world and design & technology, the children will investigate different types of houses from the past and around the world, drawing inspiration from 'The Three Little Pigs'. They will design houses and test them against the wolf's huff and puff. Additionally, they will study maps related to 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and explore villages, towns, and cities. The children will be busy exploring photos of their grandparents from when they were younger. They will look closely at the pictures and compare the similarities and differences to how things are now. By examining these photos, the children will better understand the past linked to themselves.

The children will focus on numbers up to 20 and beyond in mathematics. They will practice addition and subtraction through first, next, and now stories.

In expressive arts and design, the children will get creative by designing clay porridge bowls inspired by 'Goldilocks'.  We will also be looking at Vincent Van Gogh's famous painting, 'The Sunflowers' - we will be using this in our mathematics studies too.

One of the highlights of this term will be our school trip to a local farm, which will be linked to 'The Little Red Hen'. The children will also experience making bread and seeing the different animals living on the farm.

We look forward to an exciting and productive term ahead filled with learning and fun!


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